Our Featured Adult Rider for March is Talia Bond
“Lancers has done absolute wonders for my confidence, not only in riding but in life outside of the barn as well. I have had so much improvement in my riding and in myself over the past 2 years because of Lancers”. - Talia
Talia joined our adult J-ride in 2020. Although she has ridden for nearly twenty years, she came to live in Halifax for university and wanted to return to lessons and riding consistently and gain back her confidence with riding. When we finally had a spot in our membership, we were happy to welcome her! From the minute Talia joined us, she instinctively understood what Lancers is about.
For Talia, riding and horses are important because “they are such caring and majestic, but gentle animals that are always there to listen and give you comfort and love no matter what you are going through. They are so in tune with your emotions and help to ground you.”
When we asked Talia what she loves most about Lancers, she answered, “the community! I was so nervous to start at a new barn as a timid adult rider, and have received nothing but support and love from everyone! From co-riders, to instructors, barn monitors, and the horses, everyone has been a cheerleader for me, encouraging me to try new things and celebrating my successes right along with me. The support and community feel is something that is truly special and unique -- even other Lancers you may not know personally are cheering you on! The horses are absolutely incredible and so kind - all are worth their weight in gold. I am so thankful to be able to be a part of it!”
Talia, accompanied by her pony, at her wedding.
We are so pleased to hear that she has experienced immense value from the horses, lessons, and community at Lancers and we cannot wait to see her confidence bloom even more! Thank you, Talia, for sharing your kind soul with us!