Our Featured Adult Rider of the Month is Constance MacIntosh

Constance has been riding at Lancers since 2016. Her daughter, Brenna, was a longstanding junior rider so Constance had already been a member for years. When Constance was going through a hard time, Brenna told her riding was the most stress relieving and focusing experience and encouraged her to pick it up again! Constance now rides in our Tuesday evening A1 ride and our Friday morning ride. Although riding is challenging and it never gets easy, Constance says that it is so satisfying when it comes together! 

Constance is a wonderful volunteer and this year worked with the Therapeutic Riding program! She noted, “I can’t tell you how joyous I felt from the transfer of joy working with those riders. I loved their unbridled joy and sense of connection and potential! We had a companionship like we were all in it together!”. Similarly, Constance’s favourite part of Lancers is watching junior riders grow up. She described, “even if at first all they do is giggle or are scared, they become confident, responsible, hard working people! They experience growth through sport and camaraderie.” 

Although Constance appreciates whichever horse she is riding, her all time favourite has been Tootsie (who is now retired in the countryside)! This is a photo of Constance in her first training show with Tootsie and Constance helping with pony rides at an Open House! 

Thank you, Constance, for all that you share with the Lancer community.


Our Featured Junior Rider of the Month is Kate Hartlen! 


Our Featured Junior Rider for June is Loadiki Lutwick Campbell