Our Featured Adult Member of the Month is Merryl Black

Our featured adult rider of the month is Merryl Black


Somehow it always works out that every summer we have a few university students who leave for the summer which opens up some spaces for our alumni riders, who have left Halifax, to return for a few months. Merryl Black is one such alumni rider who has returned for the summer. In fact, Merryl just completed her Masters of Applied Science in Kinesiology at Waterloo and was riding at a barn in Waterloo. She is soon heading off on an exciting trip to the Yukon. We have enjoyed having her back for the short summer and hope that sometime in the future, she finds her way back to Lancers again.

Merryl is a long-time Lancer who began riding in the junior beginner course when she was 8. Her previously favourite horse was Patrick but her current favourite is Giquau (or Gucky as she calls him). Merryl's favourite part of Lancers was the Musical Ride because it is so unique. She loved both the practices and the actual performances. Merryl would know because she spent six years in the Musical Ride, three of which she spent as a leader. As a junior rider, she was also very involved in the Junior Executive for three years, finishing as President. Overall, her favourite memories from Lancers revolve around her time with Patrick and the groups of ladies she rode with over the years.

We are happy to have had Merryl back with us for even a short time while our university students are away for the summer. Thank you, Merryl, for being a great Lancer and we wish you all the best of your next journey!


Our Featured Horse of the Month is Scooby


Our Featured Volunteer of the Month is Regan Chapman